“By the grace of God I am what I am”
1 Corinthians 15:10a
How secure is your identity? Identity theft is a growing problem in our country. It is important to be on guard and be protected from identity theft.
When we look at Jesus’ Baptism in Scripture, we also look to our Baptism and the identity we were given at our Baptism. Our identity is with God, who came to identify Himself with us. Baptism is at the heart of the Christian faith because it is God pursuing us for life - finding us in the midst of sin and death to give us life through His name. We no longer bear our name, we bear the name of God’s beloved sons and daughters with whom God is well pleased. God gives us a daily identity - so that no matter what temptation, burden, or challenge which tears at the very core of our being and identity - we hear those wonderful words from God, “You are Mine!”
Baptism is not merely a one-time affirmation that melts away over time. It is an all-time affirmation that grows over time. It changes our very being, not just our temporary self-image. As a result of Baptism’s grace, we are empowered to do things we couldn’t do - forgiving, giving, interrupting our own schedule to help someone else, spending our energies on others rather than ourselves, healing through loving, loving despite not liking, being able to enjoy the blessings of God and being connected to His presence, now and for eternity. With that affirmation, we know that who we are is really whose we are.
Like a professional scam-artist, the devil will try to steal away your identity as a child of God. The devil will point to your sins and failures as evidence that you aren’t really a child of God. He will point to illness and disasters that plague our lives and say, “you can’t really be a child of God!”
But thanks be to God – your identity as a child of God cannot be stolen or taken away from you! The promises of forgiveness, life, and salvation that God gave you at your Baptism ring true each and every day for all eternity!
How secure is your identity? Your identity as a child of God rests secure in the precious promises of your Baptism!
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