And now, little children, abide in Him, so
that when He appears we may have confidence and not shrink from Him in shame at
His coming. If you know that He is righteous, you may
be sure that everyone who practices righteousness has been born of Him. 1
John 2:28-29
Children of God, rejoice – for we have confidence that through
the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, God abides with us now and
for all eternity!
The world in which we live is full of questions and doubts –
especially now in light of the coronavirus and its effects on our lives.
People look at the world today and doubt that God even exists. In the
midst of all the hardships of life –illnesses and disease, failed
relationships, financial struggles, stress, and natural disasters – people
tend to question the existence of God. Even those who believe
in God, sinfully tend to doubt His love and presence in our lives.
As Christians, we have the wonderful message to proclaim
that God truly does exist – and more than that, He is not a distant God, but a
loving God who abides with His creation. This is where we get our
confidence as children of God: God did not leave us in the sin and despair of
this world. Instead He sent His one and only Son to become
flesh in order to redeem the world by living a perfect life on our
account, dying the death our sin deserves, and rising victoriously from the
grave to win the victory over death for us.
God continues to abide with us through every day of
our lives. Not one moment goes by that God is not right beside us.
God is also present with us through His means of grace – Word and
Sacrament. Through His Word, God speaks His faithful and true promises
and the Holy Spirit gives us the gift of faith to believe and hold
fast to the promises of God. In our Baptism, we were marked by
God as His children – as the water combined with the power of God’s Word washed
away our sin and clothed us with Christ’s righteousness. And in the
Lord’s Supper – Jesus Christ is truly present with us as we partake of His body
and blood which were given and shed for us for the forgiveness of sins.
As God abides with us, we can live our lives with confidence -
knowing that when we see God face to face we will not shrink away
from Him in shame. Instead we can stand boldly in His presence – clothed
with Christ’s righteousness – as His children. It is this knowledge that
enables us to live each day – not in fear or doubt because of the
hardships this sinful world brings – but in the blessed assurance of
forgiveness, life, and salvation which is ours through Christ.
I need Thy presence every passing hour;
What but Thy grace can foil the
tempters power?
Who like Thyself my guide and stay can be?
Through cloud and sunshine, O abide with me.
(LSB 878)